Monday, October 10, 2011


Here comes DART we spoke about fews weeks ago. You will notice the name of the site ;) : dartlang, like a wink to golang from the same provider, ie Google. You'll also notice on this blog the ability like with Go to write code online and to test it directly. Have fun discovering this new language dedicated to the web... or not...

(update) after a quick glance to the language, I'm a little bit disappointed ; I expected much more, and actually much more different... I took my dreams for reality ;) nevertheless, it is not a bad language, moreover if we consider it is at early stages of its new life...
We can see it like a javascript 2.0 enabling to better structure javascript code, which is not bad in fine. It will be nice to see in few months how Dart will be used by Google itself, how it will be included or not on android, how the dart2js translator will be fast and efficient enough to compete with GWT, if Dart is intended to work both on client and server side, if dart will be dedicated to the client side and Go to the server one, and so on...
A lot will depends also of the IDE... The GWT eclipse plugin is quite powerful today by enabling to develop web applications with all the power of a Java IDE (refactoring, references, code assist, ...). It is the key point for me, since Smalltalk...


It already exists an inception of Dart IDE under the form of an eclipse plugin... to be built manually up to now. It is nice to have at the same time the language and the IDE...

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